Company Profile

Seoju Steel Co., Ltd. participated in the compilation of the Korea Architectural Research Institute's cladding design manual and as a specialized cladding manufacturing company with theoretical and practical experience in exporting domestically and overseas, we will compete with excellent product quality both domestically and overseas.

Through a strategic partnership with Dongkuk Steel, Korea's leading steelmaker, we will develop patterned H-beam steel required for covering plates and supply safe products to civil engineering sites to not only reduce construction costs for construction companies but also supply safe and high-quality products.

Seoju Steel produces excellent products that have been verified for safety by passing 2 million fatigue tests and 2 million fatigue tests for flexural plate bending performance and non-destructive testing of the welded portion of the clad plate through an internationally recognized testing agency through the Korean Society of Steel Structures.

Seoju Steel is a steel material manufacturer and distributor, as well as a producer of temporary facility materials, and operates the company with the motto of passing on a safe and clean environment to future generations by producing products that can reuse the three major principles of temporary facility materials: safety, environment, and resources. .

With the motto of mutual growth with customers, we promise that all of our executives and employees will strive to become a company that always puts customers first and satisfies them.

We ask for your continued support and encouragement.
We will be reborn as a manufacturer and distributor of cover plates and steel materials.

Company History

December, 2021 Rejistration of Pottery Technology Market
July, 2021 utility model registration
June, 2020 Design registration
December, 2020 Patent rejistration
April, 2019 Establishment of SeojuSteel Co., Ltd

Factory / Branch Office


  • The person in charge

    Mun Taek Lim
  • Telephone

  • Fax

  • Address

    340 Sandandongseo-ro, Gunsan-si, Jeonbuk-do (54002)
Business Type Manufacturer
Established 2019-04-01
Total Annual Revenue 4~5 billion (KRW)
Total Employees 5~10 people